Risk management

What risks do you run as an organization? What can go wrong, leading to you missing your strategic goals? Are you (periodically) aware of the amount of risk and is it quantifiable? Are you effectively mitigating these risks? Rifico can help you by:

  • A strategic risk assessment, including your personal risk appetite and specific risk tolerance;
  • Setting up and testing your internal control framework;
  • Facilitating process assurance like ISAE, COS, SOX and ISO certification;
  • Effectively follow up findings of auditors or regulators;
  • Redesigning high risk of inefficient business processes;
  • Creating a self-learning organization, including a higher level of risk awareness, an open risk culture, the right attitude towards incidents and performing root cause analyses;
  • Creating steering information, KRI dashboards, management testing and monitoring (fully automated, if desired);
  • Producing management and regulatory risk reporting.
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